Union for Talossan Progress :: The Official Website

Republic of Talossa Email

We need to embrace the fact that we are an ephemeral nation composed of individuals from the greater international community whose primary method of communication is through the employment of internet (Internet Protocol) based technologies ( i.e. web sites, message boards, Web logs. chat/instant message programs, and Voice over IP and so on). We have a great start by employing various websites, personal weblogs, and a message board. There is a definite step that I think we need to take to progress this further, and this is via email/webmail accounts.

All public offices should have their own email address as such position[at]talossa.com or position[at]talossa-gov.com or position[at]RepublicOfTalossa.com and so on. This will lend a greater amount of credibility to our leaders in government as they interact with our citizens, external governments, and other entities. This will greatly increase national identity and awareness as the addresses are used and will foster a sense of legitimacy for all of our public offices and our government.

Our citizens, as well, should have an email address CitizenName[@]talossa.com. That is something that might draw citizens to us. It makes sense and will instill a sense of belonging and community.

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